Pharm.D./Ph.D. Degree Details

The VCU School of Pharmacy offers a Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree program for outstanding VCU Pharm.D. students to obtain both a Pharm.D. degree and a Ph.D. degree in pharmaceutical sciences. The dual degree program provides curricular efficiencies in both the Pharm.D. and Ph.D. programs, opportunities for summer research and elective advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs), which allow dual degree students to graduate with their Pharm.D. after four years and with efficiencies to complete the Ph.D. degree after approximately two to three additional years.

Overview and admissions process. Current VCU Pharm.D. students or VCU Pharm.D. applicants with documented research experience are eligible to apply. Admission will be granted based on the student’s academic record and likely success in completing the challenging Pharm.D./Ph.D. curriculum and a rigorous, hypothesis-driven Ph.D. dissertation research project.

Students accepted in the Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree program will be reviewed semi-annually until their Pharm.D. graduation. Once students earn their Pharm.D., they will be reviewed by their respective home Ph.D. departments according to guidelines of the pharmaceutical sciences graduate program.

  • Department of Medicinal Chemistry (MEDC)
  • Department of Pharmaceutics (PCEU)
  • Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology (PHTX)
  • Department of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science (PHAR)
  • Graduate Research Assistant (GRA)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)
  • Pharm.D./Ph.D. subcommittee (Pharm.D./Ph.D. SC)
  • Principal Investigator (PI): mentor and Ph.D. advisor
  • Summer research fellowships (SRF) occur following P2 and P4 years for Pharm.D., Ph.D. students, funded by VCU School of Pharmacy or PI

Application and Admission

Application deadline: April 15

Note: The Graduate School application for our Pharmaceutical Sciences Ph.D. program's concentrations list a Feb. 1 deadline. These applications remain open for Pharm.D./Ph.D. applicants with a deadline of April 15.

The program is developed for VCU Pharm.D. students to matriculate into the pharmaceutical sciences Ph.D. program in fall of their P3 year, though applicants may be considered for matriculation in fall of their P4 year. If admitted, the change in the student’s tuition rate from Pharm.D. student to in-state graduate student will be effective starting with the P3 fall semester. However, the student remains responsible for paying the in-state tuition during the P3 (G1) and P4 (G1) years.

Typical Program Outline


During the P3 (G1) and P4 (G2) years, Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree students will be reviewed annually by the Pharm.D./Ph.D. SC, as well as after each semester by the School of Pharmacy Academic Performance Committee. The Pharm.D./Ph.D. SC criteria for matriculation as well as promotion throughout the P3 (G1) and P4 (G2) years include:

  • GPA: >3.0
  • PI (principal investigator, i.e., graduate advisor) and graduate program director of home department letters, documenting satisfactory progress on Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree curriculum/research

Beginning in the G3 year, the Pharm.D./Ph.D., dual degree students will be subject only to regular, annual graduate student performance reviews by their respective home departments

Curricular Plan

The graduate course requirements for individual students depend on the departmental requirements for each track: MEDC (Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry), PCEU (Dept. of Pharmaceutics), PHAR (Dept. of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science) and PHTX (Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology).

Depending on the background and training of the student, additional Pharm.D. and/or graduate core courses may be waived or substituted upon request, supported by the graduate advisor (PI) and upon formal review and written approval by the Pharm.D./Ph.D. SC.

The following lists the approved curriculum (by semester in the Pharm.D./Ph.D. program):

Special Ph.D. Research Timelines

Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree students are expected to work diligently on their dissertation research throughout their tenure in the program; however, their available time for research will depend on their Pharm.D. and graduate coursework, especially during their P3 (G1) through P4 (G2) years. Their P2 and P4 (G2) summer research fellowships as well as their P4 (G2) spring semester will be dedicated towards making significant progress towards their dissertation research proposal in close consultation with their graduate advisor (principal investigator; PI).

Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree students are expected to select their graduate advisory committee by the end of the fall semester in the G3 year and should complete their comprehensive exams (and proceed to Ph.D. candidacy status) prior to their G4 year. Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree students are highly encouraged to apply for an F30 individual training grant from NIH (or equivalent) and submit it prior to their G3 year.

Academic Efficiencies

Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree students are allowed up to six didactic credits taken during the P3 (G1) and P4 (G2) years that count towards both degrees. Additionally, up to 10 APPE credit hours taken during the P3 (G1) and P4 (G2) years count toward directed research credits for the Ph.D. degree.

Financial Incentives

During the P1 and P2 years, students are self-funded and pay Virginia resident rate or non-resident Pharm.D. tuition rate depending on their status. During the P3 (G1) and P4 (G2) years, Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree students remain self-funded, but pay tuition at the Virginia resident graduate student rate (See VCU Bulletin for current Pharm.D. tuition vs. Graduate School tuition). Furthermore, designated summer research fellowships after P1 or P2 years, as well as for P4 (G2) students will be provided. Following the award of the Pharm.D. degree, dual degree students will be guaranteed an assistantship that fully covers tuition, fees and the VCU graduate student health insurance plan, as well as a stipend to cover living expenses.

Beginning in the G3 year (following the award of the Pharm.D. degree), students will be supported, after competitive review as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) or graduate research assistants (GRAs) and funded by their PI.

Any funding beyond the G4 year for Pharm.D./Ph.D. scholars or GTAs will be provided by the PI, unless university funds or training grants have been awarded.

Continued funding of the student (e.g., tuition discount, summer research fellowship support, tuition, fees and stipend) depends on satisfactory progress throughout the Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree program (see Promotion).

* Students may work part-time as a pharmacist, pending written approval from the PI and graduate program director of the home department and associate dean for research and graduate studies as outlined in the VCU School of Pharmacy Graduate Handbook.

Funding as GTA/PI Funded GRA

Scholars may be eligible to receive stipend and tuition and fees support from the VCU School of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program and/or graduate advisor (PI), as follows:


The Pharm.D./Ph.D. subcommittee of the Dual Degrees Steering Committee (Pharm.D./Ph.D. SC), under the guidance of the associate dean for research and graduate studies, directs and oversees the Pharm.D./Ph.D. program and is charged the following responsibilities:

  • Review of summer research fellowship applications for VCU School of Pharmacy funding during the P1 summer (as one way of meeting a prerequisite of current Pharm.D. students for admission into Pharm.D./Ph.D. program)
  • Review of Pharm.D. student applications for admission into the Pharm.D./Ph.D. dual degree program and make scholarship and assistantship funding recommendations
  • Semi-annual review of Pharm.D./Ph.D. students for promotion from admission until graduation with their Pharm.D. degree
  • Overall program oversight including curricular planning, reviewing any proposed course waivers/substitutions and long-term strategic planning