
The VCU School of Pharmacy believes professionalism is central to its mission.

In a community devoted to learning and public service, a foundation of professional behavior must exist if that community is to thrive with respect and harmony. Therefore, members of the academic community are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of professional behavior. This page was developed to guide our faculty, students and staff as they carry out their responsibilities in academic and professional settings.

Professionalism Wheel

a diagram of a bicycle wheel to conceptualize professionalism in pharmacy
Text description

The diagram of a bicycle wheel helps to conceptualize professionalism in pharmacy. The spokes of the wheel are the attributes of professionalism from which professional behaviors and actions should emanate and the tire of the wheel is literally “where the rubber meets the road”—a road that leads to patient care; scientific discovery, application and scholarship; teaching; and professional service and leadership.

Attributes of Professionalism

The following describes the attributes of professionalism expected from faculty, students and staff in the School of Pharmacy.

  • Scholarship and commitment to excellence: Actively engaged; demonstrates strong work ethic; strives to exceed minimum requirements; punctual; prepared; conscientious; seeks additional knowledge and skills
  • Accountability and initiative: Accepts personal responsibility; demonstrates reliability and follows through with commitments in a timely manner; accountable for his/her performance; recognizes limitations and seeks help when necessary; addresses individuals who demonstrate unacceptable behavior
  • Self-growth and self-care: Commits to lifelong learning; seeks and applies feedback for improvement; sets and achieves realistic goals; maintains personal health and well-being; avoids harmful behaviors
  • Responsibility and sense of duty: Contributes to the profession; provides service to the community; follows established policies
  • Compassion and respect for others: Displays empathy; considerate; cooperative; sensitive; respectful of different socioeconomic backgrounds, cultural traditions, values and belief systems; avoids promoting gossip and rumor; respects authority
  • Integrity and trustworthiness: Demonstrates a high degree of integrity, truthfulness and fairness; adheres to ethical standards; maintains confidentiality
  • Teamwork and professional demeanor: Interacts effectively with others; listens and communicates effectively; willing to assist others; flexible; nonjudgmental; controls emotions appropriately; inspires trust; carries oneself with professional presence
  • Concern for the welfare of patients: Treats patients and families with dignity; respects patient privacy; advocates for patients; places patients’ needs above their own; promotes a culture of safety

Professionalism Concern or Commendation

Anyone may report a concern or commendation related to the professional behavior of a student, faculty member or staff member. Please complete the Professionalism Concern or Commendation Form if you have any concerns about the professional behavior of a member of our school community or if you wish to recognize exemplary behavior.