Graduate Program Bylaws

These bylaws were approved by School of Pharmacy Graduate Faculty on March 6, 2019.

Article I: Purpose and Mission

Section 1

The purpose of these bylaws is to establish an orderly procedure whereby the Graduate Faculty of the School of Pharmacy (SOP) can exercise its duties and responsibilities for the development of academic policy necessary for the conduct of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program (the Graduate Program) at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy.

Section 2

Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program Mission Statement: To train transformational leaders in the pharmaceutical sciences through innovative education and leading-edge research.

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Article II: Organization of the Graduate Program

Section 1

The Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program at VCU School of Pharmacy offers four specific concentrations. The concentrations involve an integrated base component with unique extensions into specific areas of expertise.

Track Responsible Department
Medicinal Chemistry Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmaceutics Department of Pharmaceutics
Pharmacotherapy Department of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science
Pharmacoeconomics and Health Outcomes Department of Pharmacotherapy and Outcomes Science

Section 2

Organizational entities key to the functioning of the Graduate Program:

  • VCU Graduate School: The office within the university that provides leadership and assistance to the School of Pharmacy’s graduate program and all other graduate programs on campus.
  • SOP Graduate Faculty: Individuals of the faculty appointed according to the VCU Graduate School Bylaws eligibility criteria for membership. This body of individuals assumes the major responsibility for graduate education at the School of Pharmacy and exercises jurisdiction over all educational matters in the Graduate Program.
  • Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC): Graduate advisory committees shall be appointed for each degree candidate in the pharmaceutical sciences for whom there is a requirement to produce a thesis, dissertation, or research project required for completion of a degree. The committee will coordinate and supervise the preparation of the thesis or its equivalent.
    • Ph.D.: The committee will have a minimum of five faculty members, including a chair, who may serve as the student’s faculty adviser. At least three members must be from within the student’s department and at least two from outside the candidate’s department. Every member of the committee must hold a graduate faculty or affiliate graduate faculty appointment.
    • M.S.: The committee will have a minimum of three faculty members, including a chair, who may serve as the student’s faculty adviser. At least two members must be from within the student’s department and at least one from another department. Every member of the committee must hold a graduate faculty or affiliate graduate faculty appointment.
    • M.P.S.: The M.P.S. is a non-thesis degree that requires the completion of a project instead of thesis or dissertation. The committee will have a minimum of three faculty members, including a chair, who may serve as the student’s faculty adviser. At least two members must be from within the student’s department and at least one from another department. Every member of the committee must hold a graduate faculty or affiliate graduate faculty appointment.
  • Graduate Student Association (GSA) – Body made up of graduate students elected by peers in their respective departments, which provides a voice for graduate students to the graduate program.
  • Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC) – Policy making body of the Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Program that serves and acts on behalf of the Graduate Faculty and the graduate students. The Committee participates in important business of graduate education and advises the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies.
  • Graduate Advisory Board (GAB) – Body made up of alumni and individuals external to the graduate program as well as faculty within the SOP, which advises the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and the Graduate Faculty on various aspects of the Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Program.

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Article III: Membership in the Graduate Faculty

Section 1

Primary responsibility for designating Graduate Faculty and Affiliate Graduate Faculty shall rest with the Dean of the School of Pharmacy with the approval of the Department Chair and concurrence of the Pharmacy School Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and the Dean of the Graduate School. Each year the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will affirm the appointment of current Graduate Faculty, designate additional faculty who are qualified for Graduate Faculty status and remove faculty who are no longer qualified or affiliated with the university. The Department Chairs initiate the process of nominating new Graduate Faculty by submitting a memo requesting the nomination, along with the CV of the nominee to the Dean or Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, who then submits the documentation to the Dean of the Graduate School for approval.

Section 2

The eligibility criteria for membership on the Graduate Faculty:

  • Appointment as full-time faculty in the university.
  • Professorial rank (assistant professor and above).
  • Earned terminal degree or, if no terminal degree, exceptional contributions to graduate education.
  • Engagement in research or other scholarly or creative activities.
  • Participation in graduate education.

Section 3

Privileges and responsibilities of members of the Graduate Faculty include:

  • Chair as well as serve on graduate student advisory committees (GSAC).
  • Vote at meetings of the Graduate Faculty.
  • Serve when selected to the Graduate Affairs Committee.

Section 4

Provision may be made for other individuals with special skills and knowledge to serve as Affiliate Graduate Faculty members. These individuals may include visiting faculty and professionals in the field. An Affiliate Graduate Faculty member may teach graduate courses and may advise and serve, but not chair, thesis or dissertation committees. Affiliate Graduate Faculty members may not serve on the Graduate Affairs Committee and may not vote at meetings of the Graduate Faculty.

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Article IV: Functions of the Graduate Faculty

Section 1

The Graduate Faculty has the major responsibility for graduate education and exercises jurisdiction over all educational matters in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program at VCU School of Pharmacy. Graduate Faculty initiates actions to be considered by the Graduate Affairs Committee, reviews the actions of the Graduate Affairs Committee, and serves as a reference body on matters referred to it by the Graduate Affairs Committee.

Section 2

The Graduate Faculty has responsibility for such fundamental areas as curriculum, ensuring that curriculum is compliant with the rules and requirements of VCU and State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV), methods of instruction, assessment of student achievement and research, and those aspects of student life that relate to the graduate educational process.

Section 3

The Graduate Faculty recognizes university and SCHEV standards, formulates the requirements for the graduate degrees offered, determines when the requirements for graduate degrees have been met and recommends on whom degrees be conferred.

Section 4

Members of the Graduate Faculty shall serve on standing and special committees when duly selected by procedures established by these bylaws.

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Article V: Meetings of the Graduate Faculty

Section 1

The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies chairs the meetings of the Graduate Faculty.

Section 2

The Graduate Faculty shall meet no less than one time each year.

Section 3

Meetings of the Graduate Faculty may be called by the Dean, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies or if requested to do so by a written petition signed by at least 15 percent of the Graduate Faculty.

Section 4

The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies shall notify all members of the Graduate Faculty of any called meeting at least two weeks before the meeting. The notice shall be via e- mail or other widely accepted communication method and it will include an agenda of items to be considered.

Section 5

A quorum for a meeting shall consist of a simple majority of over 50% of the Graduate Faculty. The Graduate Faculty may decide at a meeting to vote on items of business or to return them to the Graduate Affairs Committee for consideration. The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will manage the voting process and tabulation of results. The results of votes shall become effective upon approval by the Dean of the School of Pharmacy.

Section 6

Absentee votes shall only be accepted at a meeting of the Graduate Faculty if: 1) the quorum present at a meeting vote by greater than 50% to accept them, and 2) the nature or meaning of the proposal or motion has not been altered by the members present at the meeting. This determination is made by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, or at his/her discretion, by vote of the membership. The tally of any absentee ballots will not be revealed until the vote of those present has been completed. Proxy voting is not allowed.

Section 7

The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies may call for a vote to be conducted by email in which each vote is sent to all graduate faculty or an online survey (if the vote needs to be conducted blindly) when it is expected that there would be no or minimal discussion. To initiate the vote the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will notify the faculty of the email vote and provide background information and ballot as needed. At least 5 working days must transpire between notice to the Faculty and the deadline for receipt of ballots. Ballots will be sent to and counted by an individual delegated by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. The email or online voting process may be stopped upon receipt by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies before the ballot receipt deadline of a petition signed by at least 5 members of the Faculty requesting that the email vote not be conducted.

Section 8

Voting shall conform to relevant University regulations.

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Article VI: Graduate Affairs Committee

Section 1

The Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC) is the policy making body of the Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Program. It shall serve to advise the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and act on behalf of the Graduate Faculty and graduate students. Graduate Affairs Committee is responsible for handling all curricular issues pertaining to the School’s graduate core curriculum and graduate courses and prepares matters for the Graduate Faculty.

Section 2

The purpose of the Graduate Affairs Committee shall be to participate in important business of graduate education and promote excellence in all concentrations of the Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Program. While the Graduate Affairs Committee shall perform the functions of review and coordination, the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and the Office of Research and Graduate Education shall be responsible for support and management of the Graduate Program. The following items are set forth in order that the role and responsibility of the Graduate Affairs Committee can be further defined:

  • To encourage the maintenance of high standards of academic quality in the graduate program.
  • To provide leadership in the development of the graduate program to meet current, new and emerging needs.
  • To establish general School academic policies and procedures relating to the graduate program.
  • To update and maintain the Graduate Program Handbook.
  • To foster innovation, creativity, scholarship, research ethics and scientific excellence in the graduate program.
  • To represent the interests of the Graduate Faculty and graduate students in the School and University.
  • To advise the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies on the affairs of graduate education at the School and University.
  • To work with the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies to ensure that the course curriculum remains in adherence to VCU and SCHEV requirements and rules.
  • To serve as the awards committee for School-based graduate awards.

Section 3

Subject to the academic policies and procedures of Virginia Commonwealth University, the Graduate Affairs Committee has the responsibility and authority to govern and implement change in the Pharmaceutical Science Graduate Program on the following issues:

  • Establish academic policy for the program.
  • Establish guidelines for graduate student admissions.
  • Establish guidelines for requirements for all graduate degrees that are consistent with VCU and SCHEV.
  • Review and approve new and revised graduate program courses and degrees.
  • Participate in developing policy for graduate student support, which includes making recommendations for stipend increases and health insurance rebates.
  • Participate in student admissions processes and stipend allocation.
  • Participate in periodic qualitative reviews of graduate programs.
  • Encourage research and teaching efforts at the graduate level.
  • Review and recommend nominees for the Graduate School awards as appropriate.
  • Participate in long-term and short-term planning and development of the graduate education.
  • Review and approve School of Pharmacy entries into the university graduate bulletin, thesis and dissertation manual, and other documents.

Section 4

Members of the Graduate Affairs Committee are appointed by the Dean of School of Pharmacy. The members of the Graduate Affairs Committee are:

  • The directors overseeing the Concentrations in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program identified in Article II, Section 1. These individuals are voting members.
  • A Graduate Faculty member who also is a member of the Combined Degree Steering Committee. This individual is a voting member.
  • One or multiple Graduate Faculty members from each Department of the School of Pharmacy. These individuals are voting members.
  • The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies serves as an ex-officio member of the Graduate Affairs Committee. The Associate Dean is responsible for working with the Chair of GAC in planning and managing the duties of the committee. The Associate Dean informs and advises the committee about issues relating to the graduate program, and in turn receives advice from the GAC. This individual is a non-voting member.
  • Graduate Student Association (GSA) representatives from each department within the School. The representatives will be invited to specific sections of relevant GAC meetings to report about relevant issues and updates concerning graduate students. GSA representatives are non-voting members.

Section 5

Terms shall be as follows:

  • Committee members are appointed by the Dean on an annual basis, and may be renewed.
  • Terms shall begin with the start of the fall semester of the academic year following appointment.
  • Should any member fail to serve a full term, a replacement to serve the remainder of the term shall be appointed by the Dean.

Section 6

Meetings of the Graduate Affairs Committee

  • The appointed Chair, will lead the meetings of the GAC. The Vice-Chair will assume the responsibilities of the Chair for individual meetings, as needed and will assume the responsibilities of Chair, if the Chair is unable to serve.
  • The Graduate Affairs Committee shall meet at least four times during the academic year with special meetings as called by the Chair or by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies.
  • Minutes of the proceedings of the Graduate Affairs Committee shall be recorded by an individual designated by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and sent to all GAC members within five business days.
  • A quorum for actions shall consist of more than 50% of the members of the Graduate Affairs Committee.
  • The GAC Chair and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies are equally responsible for developing the agenda for each meeting, which shall be distributed to the committee members at least 5 business days prior to the meetings. Items may be placed on the agenda by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, the GAC chair, or by any GAC member provided to the chair no later than five business days prior to the meeting.

Section 7

Ad hoc committees of the GAC shall be appointed as needed by the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies or by the GAC chair. These sub committees shall be chaired by a current member of GAC, but may include additional individuals from within or outside of GAC as best fulfills its needs.

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Article VII: Administration of the Graduate Program

Section 1

The Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program is coordinated through the Office for Research and Graduate Education in the School of Pharmacy. The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies is responsible for administering and supervising the office and its staff. The responsibilities of the office shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Fostering a collaborative climate for Graduate Faculty that is conducive to creativity and scholarship.
  • Furthering the program-related interests of the Graduate Faculty.
  • Serving as an advocate and spokesperson for graduate education, research and other scholarly activity.
  • Participating in long-term and short-term planning and development of graduate education with assistance from the Graduate Affairs Committee.
  • Serving as the liaison to the Graduate Advisory Board.
  • Supporting and implementing appropriate vehicles for career growth and development within the Graduate Faculty.
  • Supporting and protecting the rights and responsibilities of the Graduate Faculty and Graduate Students.
  • Upholding standards of quality for appointment to the Graduate Faculty.
  • Ensuring that policies and procedures for admission and graduate processes are compliant with VCU rules as stated in the VCU Bulletin and adhere to the SOP Graduate Handbook.
  • Ensuring that course curriculum adhere to all SCHEV and VCU requirements and rules.
  • Selecting a representative of the Dean to chair oral comprehensive examinations and M.S. defenses.
  • Maintaining academic records.
  • Producing and communicating an up-to-date annual calendar of events associated with the graduate program.
  • Administering scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships.
  • Seeking improved financial support for graduate students.
  • Compiling material for School of Pharmacy entries into the university graduate bulletin, thesis and dissertation manual, and other documents.

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Article VIII: Amendments

Section 1

A proposed amendment to these bylaws may be brought to a vote of the Graduate Faculty by more than 50% of the Graduate Affairs Committee or when presented in writing 5 days prior to an official meeting of the Graduate Faculty by a signed petition of 15 percent of the Graduate Faculty.

Section 2

These proposed amendments, as submitted above in Article VIII, Section 1, shall be submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Pharmacy School within 30 days of receipt and shall become effective upon approval by more than 50% of the Graduate Faculty members voting within 30 days of the day on which the vote is opened, and upon the approval of the Dean of the School.

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Article IX: Ratification of the Bylaws

Section 1

Bylaws approved by the Graduate Faculty, the Associate Dean of Research for Graduate Studies, and the Dean of the School of Pharmacy to become effective.

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