umesh desai

Umesh Desai, Ph.D.

Chair of Medicinal Chemistry and Professor

Department of Medicinal Chemistry

Dean's Office

Umesh Desai earned a Ph.D. from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay, India. His training was in organic chemistry with emphasis on steroid's radioimmunoassay but the lab has now developed expertise in computational biology, medicinal chemistry, biochemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, enzymology, biophysical chemistry, and plasma/blood assays and various animal models.

Desai serves as serves as the chair of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry (MEDC), which greatly aids the research performed in the lab.

The Desai lab has published more than 200 research articles, one editorial and 14 book chapters. Desai has also co-edited two volumes of Methods in Molecular Biology (vol. 1229 (2015); vol. 2303 (2022)) on "Glycosaminoglycans", which carry 48 & 67 chapters, respectively, and present fundamentals and application of GAGs in biology.

The Desai lab's translational research has produced several invention disclosures, which have been covered into 8 issued patents so far (few in review). Three of our technologies—monitoring purity of heparins, a novel anti-emphysema agent, and another unique anti-cancer stem cell molecule—have been licensed for further development.

The Desai lab is currently training five Ph.D. students, four postdocs/research scientists and one undergraduate. Since 1998, the Desai lab has trained 14 M.S., 21 Ph.D./M.D.-Ph.D./Pharm.D.-Ph.D. students and 18 postdoctoral scientists. Students/postdocs have primarily pursued academic career (22 to date), pharma/biotech career (20), or clinical career (four physicians/pharmacists to date), or regulatory agency career (one to date).

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