Alumni and Donors
The VCU Pharmacy alumni community is a vibrant network of professionals united by their shared education and dedication to health care excellence.
Our alums contribute to advancing pharmaceutical research, patient care and community wellness initiatives worldwide. This network fosters lifelong connections, provides career development opportunities and celebrates the achievements of its members in shaping the future of pharmacy practice.
We have a great history here at VCU School of Pharmacy—125 years of not just pharmaceutical education, but thinking critically about how to push the envelope. Over the next 125 years, what do we want to be known for? We could be known across the country as a school of pharmacy that’s truly driving change through policy advocacy, legislative actions and making sure pharmacists are at the forefront of community health efforts.
K.C. Ogbonna, Pharm.D.
Dean, VCU School of Pharmacy
Stay Connected
Update Your Info
Send your personal, professional and change of address updates so we can stay in touch.

Become a Preceptor
Learn more about precepting our Pharm.D. students and inspire the next generation.

Pursue continuing education
Earn CE credits and keep up with – or lead an activity on – the latest innovations in pharmacy.

Ways to Give
We depend on the support of donors to provide opportunities to make important and innovative contributions to the pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences professions, health and health care. From student scholarships and faculty support to community outreach efforts, donors like you make it all possible.
Our Giving Priorities
Annual Fund
Annual fund gifts bridge the gap between operational expenses and income from tuition and allow the school flexibility in addressing those needs. Each year, hundreds of alums and friends make gifts ranging from a few dollars to $10,000 or more. Together they have tremendous impact.
Student Success and Emergency Fund
At any given time, unforeseen circumstances can affect a student’s ability to stay in school. The student success and emergency fund keeps minor or temporary financial emergencies from derailing students’ progress toward a degree. It helps those who need it most, when they need it most.
Student Scholarships
We are committed to making pharmacy education affordable to all who want to enter the profession. To attract and retain academically promising, diverse and hardworking students, we administer more than 90 scholarships to students annually.
Community Engagement
Our community outreach programs make enormous strides in addressing health disparities and provide medically underserved populations greater access to patient education, vaccinations. Our students gain valuable experience in these settings as providers, giving them insights into care implementation and interprofessional coordination.
Recruiting and retaining quality pharmacy faculty ensures the next generation of students is learning from the best. Named professorships provide prestige and salary supplements to help us recruit and retain talented and inspirational faculty.
Pharmacy Research
A gift in support of pharmacy research ensures our faculty have the resources to test solutions and programs that improve patient care and outcomes.
Galen Society
Galen Society members give an annual donation of $1,000 or more to the School of Pharmacy or have included the school in their estate plans. Members of this group receive regular updates from the school and an invitation to an annual dinner.
Contact Louie Correa, the school's senior director of development, at for more information.
How to Give
You can make a gift online. Giving options include making a one-time gift, making a payment on an existing pledge or setting up a new pledge commitment.
Make your gift by check payable to “MCV Foundation for the VCU School of Pharmacy” and note the fund to which you want to direct your gift in your check’s memo line.
Mailing Address
VCU Development and Alumni Relations
111 N. 4th Street
Box 843042
Richmond, VA 23284-3042
MCV Foundation Contact Info
(804) 828-9734
Tax ID #54-6053660
Giving appreciated securities is an easy way to support the MCV Foundation and derive considerable tax benefits. If you or your broker has questions or needs additional information, contact Louie Correa, senior director of development, at (804) 828-3016 or
Learn more on MCV Foundation's Securities page.
If you are interested in including the VCU School of Pharmacy in your will or naming the school as a beneficiary of a life income gift, contact Louie Correa, senior director of development, at (804) 828-3016 or
Learn more on MCV Foundation's Planned Gift page.
VCU employees may give to any university fund by setting up a payroll deduction. Employees may use the Payroll Deduction Form to make a gift.