Strategic Plan

This strategic plan supports the VCU strategic plan Quest 2028.


To achieve excellence in our Pharm.D., graduateundergraduate and training programs through innovative education and leading-edge research.

We achieve our mission by graduating outstanding future pharmacists and scientists who will improve human health, foster exemplary research and provide sustaining contributions to interprofessional patient care.

Two students wearing graduation cap and gown holding flowers.


We will be a transformational leader in pharmacy education, clinical practice and clinical and pharmaceutical research.

A group of students stand in a hospital hallway looking a chart.


  • Innovation: We encourage innovations and ideas that advance the school’s mission
  • Personal growth: We pursue professional growth and personal development that drives excellence
  • Integrity and respect: We demonstrate ethical behaviors, personal responsibility and respect for others
  • Collaboration: We embrace interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaboration in patient care, teaching, learning and research
  • Inclusive excellence: We promote an environment of engagement and inclusion that values the diversity and contributions of our students, staff, faculty and administrators
Three research students working with lab equipment.

Theme 1: Student Success

Transform the lives of our distinctive and diverse student population through a university culture that supports every student’s success through inquiry, discovery, innovation, civic engagement and creative expression.

Goal 1

Provide students a quality education through rigorous and innovative academic programs that prepare students for careers in a 21st century healthcare environment.

M.O. I.1.1

Revise the PharmD curriculum to exceed ACPE 2016 curricular standards and prepare students for a successful pharmacy career.

Action Steps
  • Revise the curriculum, including IPPE placement, APPEs and the co-curriculum to produce Next Generation Pharmacists (NGP).
  • Ensure the delivery of topics related to diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism, including structural racism, health equity and delivery of culturally responsive care.
  • Equal or exceed the NAPLEX pass rate for Top 10 schools. (KPI)
  • Achieve and maintain the goal of 90% of graduates seeking pharmacy jobs employed within 6 months yearly. (KPI)
  • 80% of students seeking postgraduate studies (residency, fellowship, graduate program) obtain a position. (KPI)
  • Expand opportunities for students to develop leadership skills.
  • Establish global health competencies to be achieved by all students.

M.O. I.1.2

Implement innovative interprofessional education (IPE) offerings to advance IPE and training.

Action Steps
  • Work collaboratively with the Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care (CIECC) to develop IPE experiences.
  • Engage the MCV campus schools in discussions to develop IPE patient simulations, practice-based IPE experiences and diversity and inclusion education.
  • Develop new IPE approaches based on student ideas and initiatives.
  • Engage with MP campus schools such as Business, Social Work, and Engineering to develop cross-discipline educational opportunities.

M.O. I.1.3

Optimize the role of satellite campuses in achieving the School’s mission.

Action Steps
  • Ensure that students on satellite campuses achieve equal or better NAPLEX pass rates, employment rates, and residency placement rates compared with students on the MCV campus.
  • Increase opportunities for IPPEs, APPEs, and co-curricular activities at the satellite campuses.
  • Achieve near-full capacity for the P3 class size at the UVA and Inova campuses.

M.O. I.1.4

Expand the use of active learning and online learning to enhance student engagement and learning.

Action Steps
  • Develop a plan to determine the optimal mix of online and on-site instruction for the PharmD program.
  • Engage School and external experts to deliver faculty sessions on active learning techniques and innovative uses of technology.
  • Provide a forum for faculty to share their experiences with active learning and online learning with colleagues.
  • Engage faculty in the Enhance Your Teaching series delivered through the Health Professions Faculty Development Initiative to enhance effectiveness of faculty teaching behaviors.
    • Target for FY22: 25% of faculty in each department complete the Enhance Your Teaching series. (KPI)

M.O. I.1.5

Ensure the adequacy and quality of space and technology resources to facilitate learner-centered teaching in a COVID and post-COVID environment.

Action Steps
  • Reassess and optimize use of School and campus space in light of the COVID environment.
  • Recommend alterations in teaching facilities and technology, as appropriate to optimize the diverse educational and safety needs of students and faculty.

M.O. I.1.6

Review graduate degree programs curricula and co-curricular offerings.

Actions Steps
  • Evaluate the pharmaceutical sciences core and co-curriculum in both content and scope as to whether it prepares students scientifically and professionally for the 21st century workplace with respect to the AACP/AAPS Recommendations for the Future of Graduate Education.
  • Explore collaborative educational models with other pharmaceutical sciences graduate programs in the creation of courses in new scientific areas or professional development.
  • Develop and offer experiential training opportunities such as job simulations, employer site visits, job shadowing, and internship programs for graduate students.
  • Promote diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism experiences for graduate students.
  • Create a task force to make recommendations to enhance mentoring in the pharmaceutical sciences program (e.g., require submission of individual development plans and advisory committee report forms after each annual committee meeting).
  • Complete implementation of the action plan from the Graduate Program review process.
  • Provide regular progress reports to graduate faculty about implementing the action plan.

M.O. I.1.7

Develop a plan for a bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Action Steps
  • Write a proposal to submit to the University, SCHEV, and SACSCOC for review and approval.
  • Create a plan that delineates the resources, processes, and economic model needed to support the program.

M.O. I.1.8

Support professional and graduate student organizations to expand co-curricular and leadership opportunities.

Action Steps
  • Promote student opportunities to interact with diverse, underserved, and global populations.
  • Provide and publicize financial travel support for students to present in scientific conferences and participate in training programs outside of VCU.
  • Support graduate student and post-doc participation in the VCU BEST program.

Goal 2

Grow the next generation of researchers and scholars in the scholarship of discovery, integration, application, and teaching and learning.

M.O. I.2.1

Increase external funding to maintain graduate student quality and enrollment in the program.

Action Steps
  • Office of Research and Graduate Studies will develop, maintain and make available a list of funding opportunities for graduate students and graduate student research.
  • Develop a mock study section program through the school’s Scientific Administrative Review Committee (SARC) to provide critical reviews and feedback from scientists within VCU and outside VCU to faculty applying for extramural grants.
  • The Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies will provide critical reviews and feedback to graduate students applying for F30 or F31 applications.
  • Partner with other VCU schools or colleges to apply for a T32 Institutional Training grant.
  • Encourage all graduate students to take a grant writing class, including preparation of an F30/F31 application.
  • Develop research shadowing program to expose P1 PharmD students to explore the breadth of research in the pharmaceutical sciences within the School.
  • Apply for Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research on R01s for eligible pre-docs and post-docs.
  • Work with Director of Development to increase the Jurgen Venitz Dual Degree Fellowship Endowment to cover an entire dual degree GTW slot for the P3/G1, P4G2, G3, and G4 years.

M.O. I.2.2

Increase opportunities for students to explore graduate degrees or careers in research.

Action Steps
  • Expand summer fellowships opportunities for PharmD and undergraduate students.
  • Promote existing summer fellowships for undergraduate students interested in graduate programs.
  • Promote research opportunities for undergraduate students (e.g., independent or honors research) and post-baccalaureate students (e.g., internships) during the academic year.

M.O. I.2.3

Increase PharmD student participation in research electives to help students compete for graduate education, residency, or fellowship opportunities.

Action Steps
  • Increase research electives to meet student demand.
  • Develop a School plan to match faculty with students who are interested in participating in research electives.

M.O. I.2.4

Formalize post-doctoral training programs congruent with NIH and University policies and procedures.

Action Steps
  • Encourage post-doctoral trainees to enroll in the Preparing Future Faculty Program and other development opportunities at VCU.
  • Institute career development plans for all post-doctoral trainees.
  • Provide mentoring training and support to faculty investigators as well as graduate students.

Goal 3

Ensure the NGP curriculum is preparing graduates for a career in an evolving health care delivery system, and for changes in scientific and clinical knowledge.

M.O. I.3.1

Develop a didactic and experiential elective curriculum that is strategically designed and intentionally planned and managed in a way that meets the post-graduation needs of students and employers.

Action Steps
  • Assess emerging trends in science or clinical care and recommend new courses, either elective or required to achieve NGP goals as needed.
  • Develop and implement co-curricular experiences providing care to culturally diverse populations and opportunities to apply DEIA principles.

M.O. I.3.2

Evaluate the curriculum during the ACPE Self-Study and make recommendations for changes to the NGP Coalition and Curriculum Committee for curricular revisions based on the NGP competency statements.

M.O. I.3.3

Develop electives and experiential opportunities in pharmaceutical industry, managed care, and other non-traditional employment sectors to allow students to explore career interests.

Goal 4

Increase interprofessional and interdisciplinary practice and teaching in the NGP curriculum.

M.O. I.4.1

Assess the adequacy of current interprofessional and interdisciplinary activities in practice, teaching, and research and identify areas for improvement.

Action Steps
  • Share information regarding successful collaborations to serve as models of interprofessional and interdisciplinary projects (e.g., VCU iCubed initiative).
  • Develop the Richmond Health & Wellness Program (RHWP) as a key opportunity for interprofessional practice and research.
  • Work with other health profession programs to offer a curriculum to expand opportunities to achieve global health competencies on the MCV campus.

M.O. I.4.2

Continue to participate in the VCU CIECC.

Action Steps
  • Serve as faculty and staff resources in the development and facilitation of IPEC courses and simulations.
  • Participate in faculty development opportunities for enhancing teaching skills to improve classroom and clinical teaching effectiveness.

M.O. I.4.3

Advance pharmacy practice innovation in Virginia through the Center for Pharmacy Practice Innovation (CPPI).

Action Steps
  • Develop, implement, and evaluate telehealth models of care that incorporate pharmacists at VCU Health to optimize medication-related patient health outcomes.
  • Increase partnerships with health systems, academic institutions, policymakers, and payers.
  • Advocate for medication and health-related policies that advance pharmacy practice at the local, state, national, and international level.
  • Transform CPPI’s deprescribing training program into an online experience for clinicians of all disciplines.

M.O. 1.4.4

Ensure that PharmD graduates are prepared to improve health outcomes in older adults.

Action Steps
  • Increase the number of students completing the Graduate Certificate in Aging Studies.
  • Achieve Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Program of Merit recognition.
  • Expand the number of geriatrics clinical fellows to advance teaching, research, and service related to older adults.

Goal 5

The School of Pharmacy will achieve reaccreditation from ACPE in 2023.

M.O. I.5.1

Ensure subcommittees have adequate resources and support to complete the self-study report by July 2022.


Ensure that all recommendations from the previous accreditation visit in 2015, as detailed in the Actions and Recommendations Report have been addressed.

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Theme II: National Prominence

Distinguish VCU as a preeminent urban public research university by growing areas of strength as researchers, innovators, and educators.

Goal 1

Increase School-wide productivity in high impact research and scholarship.

M.O. II.1.1

Increase the average number of peer-reviewed journal publications per teaching and research (T&R) faculty member. (KPI)

M.O. II.1.2

Increase the School’s ranking for NIH funding (AACP and BRIMR ranking). (KPI)

M.O. II.1.3

Increase the number of faculty who apply for internal funding (e.g., Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research [CCTR] and PRIP, Massey Cancer Center, and region-restricted funding).

M.O. II.1.4

Maintain a fair and transparent salary offset and overhead policy, which maintains current rate of return to investigators as an incentive.

M.O. II.1.5

Assign early career faculty with senior mentors who will assist the faculty member with career choices and promotion / tenure, and to improve the quality of grant applications.

Action Steps
  • Explore the feasibility of developing a mentoring team that meets regularly to guide early career faculty members.
  • Evaluate specific mentoring needs for faculty from under-represented backgrounds.

M.O. II.1.6

Fully utilize the SARC to enhance the quality of research proposals by providing study section critiques of grant proposals.

M.O. II.1.8

Secure funding (e.g., HEETF, S-10 grants, and other outside funding) to acquire state-of-the-art research equipment.

Goal 2

Increase and diversify the School’s sponsored research.

M.O. II.2.1

Evaluate the research portfolio of the School, assess alignment with the VCU research strategic plan, and devise a plan for enhancement.

Action Steps
  • Identify and implement methods to enhance collaborative research.
  • Increase faculty participation in multidisciplinary centers and institutes (e.g., Massey Cancer Center, CCTR, and the Institute for Structural Biology Drug Discovery and Development [ISB3D]).
  • Develop faculty goals and support to achieve extramural funding for all research faculty.
  • Encourage faculty to include under-represented groups in clinical research and identify opportunities for funded research in health disparities, in alignment with Federal guidelines (e.g., NIH) and the VCU Research Strategic Plan.

M.O. II.2.2

Implement strategies to expand and provide additional support for the School’s Institute and Centers.

Action Steps
  • Advocate for Institute and Centers support with VCU leadership.

M.O. II.2.3

Increase publications and our national/international presentations at meetings.

Action Steps
  • Identify sources from which to secure funds for faculty travel and publication costs.
  • Identify extramurally funded collaborative research groups at VCU to incorporate the expertise and skill set of all School of Pharmacy faculty.
  • Fully utilize School of Pharmacy and University communication and public relations mechanisms for faculty to share news of their accomplishments.

M.O. II.2.4

Develop the infrastructure of the CPPI to enhance its competitiveness in securing internal and extramural funding.

Action Steps
  • Increase participants in the network of practice partners.
  • Create a research plan for national prominence.
  • Offer a monthly seminar series to stimulate scholarly discussion and foster collaboration among clinical faculty, researchers, and external partners.
  • Offer a feasibility grant program to provide funding for research that will demonstrate proof-of-concept, feasibility, implementation, or validation of novel pharmacy practice models.
  • Identify and disseminate research funding opportunities offered by federal, state, and local agencies as well as foundations.
  • Obtain industry contracts or internal grants to purchase dataset(s) for graduate students and faculty to utilize for research and pilot data for extramural grant proposals.
  • Create opportunities for student pharmacists to engage in research and learn about pharmacy practice innovations.
  • Map out a strategic plan and a business model for achieving the mission of the Center. This includes identifying:
    • Primary customers and partners of the CPPI
    • Initiatives that provide value propositions that cannot be easily duplicated by competing options
    • Revenue models that cover the costs of the CPPI
    • Additional needed resources and competencies

M.O. II.2.5

Develop a plan for the Center for Compounding Practice and Research (CCPR) to be a financially sustainable source of collaborative teaching and research.

Action Steps
  • Create interactive training modules for remote learning that complement hands-on training sessions to develop and enhance the knowledge and skill set of students, clinicians, and researchers.
  • Assess emerging trends in the profession of pharmacy and design new innovative continuing education courses to meet the needs of our practitioners including the provision of programs intended to assist practitioners in building their compounding skillsets enabling enhanced qualifications for transitioning into other pharmacy job opportunities.
  • Design a didactic and hands-on elective course that is strategically designed to incorporate nonsterile and sterile compounding.
  • Engage with interprofessional institutions of learning to offer didactic and hands-on sterile compounding lectures to students.
  • Participate in faculty development opportunities to ensure faculty, staff, and other resources are appropriate to achieve goals, required work and future endeavors of the CCPR.
  • Expand CCPR marketing reach nationwide.
  • Develop partnerships with compounding pharmacies and health systems to provide a hybrid compounding training program for employee orientation training and recertification.
  • Engage with the scientific community through contributions to research in scholarship of teaching and learning and compounding science.

M.O. II.2.6

Grow and expand the Center for and PhD program in Pharmaceutical Engineering at VCU.

Action Steps
  • Determine short-term and long-term goals for the Center for Pharmaceutical Engineering and Science at VCU.
    • Develop a goal to secure an institutional training grant in the next few years.
  • Identify funding for two new Faculty positions to support the research and educational mission of the Pharmaceutical Engineering Program.

M.O. II.2.7

Continue growth of facilities, resources and investigatorship in the ISB3D at VCU.

Action Steps
  • Expand High-Throughput Screening facility for discovery of bioactive agents.
  • Expand Biomolecular Interaction facility through acquisition of biophysical instruments including surface Plasmon resonance, isothermal calorimetry, and biolayer interferometry.
  • Expand membership to VCU faculty members interested in drug discovery and development.
  • Enhance outreach of ISB3D in terms of serving community-at-large.
  • Recruit faculty members to advance Institute goals for greater collaboration with the Massey Cancer Center.

M.O. II.2.8

Through the School’s Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Program develop and promote translational research efforts that are focused on improving the quality of life for older Virginians.

Action Steps
  • Develop research proposal competitive for NIH funding by NIA.
  • Expand School presence in Richmond Health and Wellness Program (RHWP) and the VCU Health Hub at 25th.

Goal 3

Increase the commercialization of intellectual property and University-based technologies to advance innovation and economic development.

M.O. II.3.1

Faculty and staff commercialize intellectual property and technology.

Action Steps
  • Ensure that faculty and staff are fully informed about intellectual property/tech transfer.
  • Provide more opportunities for faculty to learn about VCU Innovation Gateway.
  • Include information about VCU Innovation Gateway in new faculty orientation.

M.O. II.3.2

Facilitate and enhance/expand partnerships with industry for intellectual property development.

Action Steps
  • Increase visibility of the School’s intellectual property.
  • Explore and publicize methods to reduce barriers to industry funding such as VCU indirect costs.

Goal 4

Enhance faculty involvement in the Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research (CCTR).

M.O. II.4.1

All faculty are informed of opportunities with CCTR to enhance research.

M.O. II.4.2

Increase faculty involvement in the CCTR.

Action Steps
  • Determine what the School can do to more fully engage in CCTR activities.
  • Invite the leadership of the CCTR to discuss opportunities for School faculty and graduate students on a regular basis.

Goal 5

Ensure that the faculty and staff are appropriate to achieve the mission.

M.O. II.5.1

Determine that appropriate individuals are in place to perform the required work of the School of Pharmacy.

Action Steps
  • Departments annually review current needs in faculty and staff and make hiring plans known to department faculty.

M.O. II.5.2

Ensure faculty, staff, and other resources are appropriate to support the mission, strategic plan, and future endeavors of the School.

Goal 6

Improve buildings and research facilities in order to provide students quality research training that prepares them for careers in a 21st century academic, government, or industry research environment.

M.O. II.6.1

Renovate existing research space to improve functionality, quality, and safety.

Action Steps
  • Present a prioritized list of research facility improvement needs to VCU administration.
  • Request VCU funding to make the necessary laboratory improvements.

M.O. II.6.2

Create a process to ensure that all buildings used by faculty, staff, and students are safe and functional, and present an image compatible with the School’s mission.

Action Steps
  • Assess facilities for appropriate and safe working conditions.

M.O. II.6.3

Advance plans for establishing a new state-of-the-art home building for the School in the next 5-10 years.

Action Steps
  • Develop plans to secure space for School of Pharmacy faculty members in the proposed VCU buildings.

Goal 7

Provide a service-oriented infrastructure within the School’s Office of Finance and Administration to support and enhance faculty and staff productivity and efficiency.

M.O. II.7.1

Provide all departments and offices timely access to financial reports and budgets.

Action Steps
  • Provide annual budgets at the beginning of each fiscal year.
  • Provide departments, offices, and faculty with monthly fiscal reports, including variance from budget.
  • Create a transparent accounting system for faculty and staff to access accounts.

M.O. II.7.2

Create an online policy and procedure manual for all school policies and procedures.

Action Steps
  • Ensure all School policies are congruent with university policies.

M.O. II.7.3

Develop a tracking system for finance, human resources, and other service requests to the business office to verify requests are completed.

M.O. II.7.4

University policies and procedures for recruitment, retention, and professional development will be followed.

Action Steps
  • Develop policies/procedures and best practices for search committees, on-boarding, and off-boarding.

M.O. II.7.5

Implement and support University-wide Finance and HR initiatives (e.g., Budget Redesign, HR Redesign, Cascading Goals).

M.O. II.7.6

Maintain and expand technical skills through professional development.


Develop and implement a Business Continuity Management plan in alignment with VCU policy.

Goal 8

Provide an infrastructure within the School’s Development Office to support and enhance targeted fund raising.

M.O. II.8.1

Improve the tracking of current and past post-doctoral residents, fellows, and trainees including contact information and employment status.

Action Steps
  • All student information is uploaded from Banner into RADAR, the University’s development database, upon graduation.
  • Development Office coordinates collecting contact information in the fall following graduation.
  • Develop a procedure for each department to provide information on all current and past post-doctoral trainees at the time of hire and departure from the university.

M.O. II.8.2

Maintain total donors at 650 or more each year. (KPI)

M.O. II.8.3

Secure more than $1.75 million in private funds received as gifts or pledges. (KPI)

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Theme III: Urban and Regional Transformation

Mobilize VCU’s human capital and economic resources, collaborating with the community to address social and health inequities.

Goal 1

Advance the practice of pharmacy by providing continuing education (CE) and training to pharmacists and technicians in select high-impact areas.

M.O. III.1.1

Provide high quality CE programs for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians related to practice innovation and compounding.

M.O. III.1.2

Partner with other professions at VCU to provide high quality interprofessional programs through the joint accreditation for interprofessional continuing education.

Goal 2

Faculty and students will lead in community engagement and service learning.

M.O. III.2.1

Faculty members and students should actively participate as members in local, state, and national pharmacy organizations.

Action Steps
  • Broadly disseminate opportunities for engagement in community and service learning co-curricular opportunities.

Goal 3

Sustain University-community partnerships with a focus on access to health care in underserved populations.

M.O. III.3.1

Develop faculty, staff and student participation in community partnerships that focus on health care (e.g., Center for Healthy Hearts, Crossover Clinic, Daily Planet, VCU Health Hub at 25th, iCubed, RHWP).

Action Steps
  • Create an inventory of community partnerships for experiential opportunities.
  • Increase the number, capacity and quality of community partners, students, staff, and faculty, especially those that serve diverse populations, engaged in university-community practice, research and service partnerships.

M.O. III.3.2

Increase faculty and student involvement in outreach programs outside of Richmond (e.g., HOMBRE, RAM, CARITAS, MoM).

Action Steps
  • Create an inventory of regional, state, and global outreach programs.
  • Broadly disseminate opportunities for engagement in outreach programs to students and faculty.
  • Identify strategies to develop global health competencies in local community engagement activities.

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Theme IV: Diversity Driving Excellence

Translate our value philosophy of diversity and inclusion into practices related to excellence and success.

Goal 1

Recruit and retain faculty, staff, and a School leadership team to support the quality of teaching and learning, research, and diversity.

M.O. IV.1.1

Recruit and retain the highest quality and most diverse faculty to advance the School’s mission.

Action Steps
  • Maintain faculty salaries to equal or exceed the AACP 50th percentile. (KPI)
  • Offer competitive start-up packages.
  • Encourage faculty participation in employee career development programs.
  • Assure that faculty members are fully supported for flexible work schedules so that they can maintain a healthy work-life integration.
    • Assure that faculty are aware of all leave types and University support systems available to them.
    • Provide assurance that reduced productivity because of COVID or other professional life-altering situations will not adversely affect their annual or promotion / tenure evaluations.
  • Ensure incoming early career faculty are matched to a mentor.
  • Encourage faculty participation in programs that enhance success as a faculty member.
    • Promote participation in faculty development programs financially supported by VCU (e.g., National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity @ faculty
    • Increase faculty involvement in VCU’s Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) meetings and programs.
    • Nominate new faculty for participation in the CTLE’s New Faculty Program.
    • Nominate incoming tenure-track faculty for participation in the
  • Emerging Scholars Program through CCTR and Blick Scholars Program.


Develop best practices to broaden the applicant pool for faculty recruitment.

Action Steps
  • Construct and distribute a ‘“best practices’” recruitment tool kit to be given to all search committee chairs and hiring authorities within the School of Pharmacy.
  • Ensure that every search committee is briefed by a Recruitment Inclusive Champion (RIC) prior to initiating their search process.
  • Provide training in recruitment inclusive excellence (e.g., unconscious bias training) for search committees.
  • Appoint a Chief Diversity Officer within the School.
  • Target staff salaries to exceed the VCU median salaries for Classified and University and Academic Professionals (UAP) employees.

M.O. IV.1.3

Recruit and retain the highest quality and most diverse staff to advance the School’s mission.

Action Steps
  • Target staff salaries to exceed the VCU median of salaries for classified staff and university academic professionals.
  • Provide appropriate resources for training and development opportunities for classified staff and university academic professionals positions.
  • Support the VCU Staff Senate and VCU School of Pharmacy Staff Committee to promote communication and professional development.
    • Support staff to attend at least one personal or professional development program per year. Complete individual career development plans in Talent@VCU.
    • Broadly disseminate opportunities for personal and professional development programs (e.g., StrengthsFinder)
    • VCU School of Pharmacy HR office will monitor staff retention rates and issue a report in August of each year.
  • Regularly (e.g., yearly or biannually) assess classified staff and university academic professional diversity.
  • Assure that classified staff and university academic professionals are fully supported for flexible work schedules so that they can maintain a healthy work-life integration
    • Assure that classified staff and university academic professionals are aware of all leave types and University support systems available to them.
    • Provide assurance that reduced productivity because of COVID or other professional life-altering situations will not adversely affect their annual evaluations.

Goal 2

Recruit and retain students that support our mission of providing equitable care and impactful science particularly for underrepresented and vulnerable populations.

M.O. IV. 2.1

Recruit and retain the highest quality and most diverse student body to advance the School’s mission.

Action Steps
  • Create an inventory of resources and programs to support student success for faculty, staff, and students to utilize proactively.
  • Refine and develop pipeline programs focused on underrepresented minority populations.Enhance students’ diversity-related educational opportunities and experiences, including community outreach, to ensure that all students graduate with knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary for living and working effectively as members of a diverse global society.
  • Provide additional opportunities to learn about cultural awareness within the PharmD and graduate student curriculum and co-curricular activities.
  • Create scholarship structure that enables students with financial insecurity to pursue a professional or graduate degree.
  • Enhance resources that acknowledge the disparate needs of our student-body and promote holistic academic success.Develop recruitment programs and tactics to enhance diversity and inclusion in all academic programs.
    • Convene a forum between SoP recruiting programs to identify opportunities to share best practices and resources.

Goal 3

Cultivate a culture of open dialogue and exchange of ideas to establish a climate that offers opportunity for, and support of, the success of all students and employees.

M.O. IV.3.1

Foster a culture of inclusiveness across all of the School of Pharmacy. Cultivate a culture and atmosphere where diversity is valued, and differences are respected.

Action Steps
  • Use VCU climate study to assess the culture of inclusiveness across the School of Pharmacy.
  • Establish annual programs that highlight different aspects of diversity and inclusion and encourage safe and open dialogue around issues important to students, staff and faculty at least twice per year (e.g., the VOICES sessions).
  • Identify diversity and inclusiveness topics in the Faculty Lunch and Learn sessions.

M.O. IV.3.2

Recognize faculty and staff for participation in diverse service activities.

Action Steps
  • Develop guidelines for diversity and inclusion criteria of School of Pharmacy Awards (following guidelines of VCU awards).

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Version Information

  • Approved by the faculty: September 2, 2020
  • Revision approved by the executive committee: November 11, 2021

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